CWK NZ is an Incorporated Society

Expert tuition in traditional Shaolin Kung Fu – Southern Five Ancestors Wuzuquan, Northern Long Fist Changquan, and Qi Gong (breathing techniques).

Our training includes sparring, self defence, set routines (shadow boxing) and weapons training for higher grades. It develops strength, stamina, flexibility and self confidence. 

We pride ourselves in cultivating a friendly, relaxed and peaceful atmosphere.

Go to UK Classes instead
or see more about CWK.

NZ Classes

TuesdayGreenpark School
View on map
Junior: 3:10 – 4:30 PMPayton
TuesdayGreerton Aikido Hall
Morland Fox Park
Devon St., Greerton
View on map
Junior: 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Youth/Adult: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
FridayElizabeth St. Community Hall
Elizabeth St., Tauranga
View on map
Junior: 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Youth/Adult: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
SundayMonthly9:30 – 11:30 AM
– By special invitation only

NZ Coaches

All CWK NZ coaches have been trained to instruct in the arts of CWK under the supervision of our Chief Instructor Shifu Ray Smith 9th duan.

Chief InstructorRay9th degree
Senior InstructorElizabeth7th degree
Senior InstructorRobert4th degree
InstructorJamie2nd degree
InstructorPayton1st degree
InstructorErika1st degree
Assistant InstructorDJ
Assistant InstructorSam


Training and enrolment fees
Training fees

Training fees depend on the age or the class that the student takes part in.

Fees are calculated for the year and paid for over 12 equal payments on the 23rd day of the month by direct bank transfer. Some months have more training sessions some less, but it is the total over the year that counts. The number of training sessions is up to 48 weeks at two venues a week. Some training session might be cancelled due to public holidays, Christmas break and Easter, this is accounted for in our monthly fee.

Tuition fees need to be paid in advance of training as follows: –

Training in Junior classes
Under 18s training in Adult classes
Over 18s

Please set up an automated payment to us payable on the 23rd of each month for the month ahead. For example, when you pay on 23rd July you will be paying in advance for the August sessions.

Enrolment fee

Before training we shall require our enrolment form with student details and acknowledgement statement signed by student if over 18, or by parent/carer if student is under 18. These can be collected from our instructors.

Joining fee: There is a one-off fee for joining CWK of $25.

Annual enrolment: Renewed every 12 months, annual enrolment is $35.


All students must abide by the Rules of CWK.

Grading System

CWK NZ follows the CWK Grading System.

Student with a long staff

Email for more information on joining NZ classes!