We pride ourselves in cultivating a friendly, relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. Shaolin Kung Fu is practised for developing robust self defence techniques. It is beneficial for health and fitness, and improves concentration, coordination and confidence.

To ensure the most effective, fruitful foundations of practising Kung Fu, students taking part in CWK must abide by all rules and principles outlined on this page.


Most important is the right attitude and guidance – ‘Wude’ (武 德).

Wude, or Martial Morality, is an ethical guideline within Chinese Martial Arts. For centuries many, if not most, styles and masters adopted these general principles for their lineages with some variations to suit them.

Wude consists of 2 characters: ‘Wu’ (武) stands for Wushu (Martial Art), which in the western world is generally referred to as Kung Fu or Gung Fu, and ‘De’ (德) for Daode (virtue, morality). To live Kung Fu in a traditional way is a lifetime of commitment, learning and developing oneself for character building.

Wude transports values that also can be found in other societies and may have been described for the first time outside of China in old Greece (Ethos).

The main values included in Wude are:­­

  • Ren (忍): Humanity, respect, love
  • Yi (義): Integrity, justice, good nature
  • Li (禮): Respect, manners of behaviour, kindness
  • Zhi (志): Knowledge, mind, education
  • Xin (信): Trust, honesty openness, wholehearted, keeping promises
  • Yong (勇): Courage, braveness


All students shall:

  1. Obey the instructions given by the instructor and senior students at all times.
  2. When in doubt, refer to rule 1.
  3. Know the name of the association, which shall be Chen Wu Kuan (CWK) meaning the ‘society for the cultivation or development of the martial arts.
  4. Abide by the Constitution and Rules of CWK. Failure to do so may result in being refused access to further training and your status in the society being terminated.
  5. Enjoy your training and conduct yourself in a serious manner at all times while training.
  6. Only use the techniques learnt in the confines of a safe training environment under the supervision of an appointed CWK instructor.
  7. Beyond the confines of rule 6, only in extreme circumstances and within the provisions of the law of the land may any techniques be used and then only for self-defence or the defence of others.
  8. At all times show respect to all others and act in such a way that reflects positively on yourself and our society.
  9. Neither boast, nor act in an aggressive way, regarding your training or achievements within the martial arts.
  10. Report any issues with children to the CWK instructor or to the Chief Instructor whose name appears on the website.
  11. While by being a student of CWK you freely give the copyright of any designs programmes pictures video or any other materials or resources or content produced for or by CWK during the time you are enrolled as a student such copyright shall belong to CWK in perpetuity.
  12. Upon leaving CWK neither teach coach nor otherwise instruct anyone in any type of martial art whether of the CWK style or otherwise for a period of five years from the date recorded by CWK of the student having left CWK.
  13. In all other instances if the rules do not permit an action it cannot be done without written permission from CWK.
  14. Refer to the Constitution and Rules of CWK for further guidance, a copy of which is with the Instructor or on the CWK website.


The instructor is responsible for setting forth a foundation in the principles of our dedicated system of martial arts, and the student is responsible for applying themselves to this instruction. All students are expected to focus on learning and improving in Kung fu. At no time should students be engaged in non-Kung Fu related activities. It is expected that students are self-disciplined and learn to practise both with training partners and independently. Repeated disruption will not be tolerated and may cause possible suspension from the classes.

We follow the traditional family concept that students should help each other as brother and sister. While other programmes assign physical age as the measure for seniority, Kung Fu recognises seniority in terms of when students begin their training. Therefore, please learn to respect and help each other whenever possible. Learn who your older brothers and sisters are quickly.

Those with other martial arts experience must wait until class is over to share their knowledge with the group, if they wish to do so. Class should not be interrupted for this purpose or to compare techniques. This is disrespectful to the instructor who is giving up their time to teach Kung Fu. While we respect other arts it is our job to teach Kung Fu, not other martial arts.


Traditionally, salutes vary depending on which school you attend. A salute is extremely important as it represents not only honour and commitment, but more importantly, respect. When done properly, the Shaolin salute not only represents respect, honour and commitment, but also the philosophy of attack and defence, or Yin and Yang.

Please make sure to salute your instructor, senior students and other elders. It is respectful to enter and leave the presence of your Kung Fu family with a salute and is considered good manners. This means saluting when entering and leaving the training area, and when leaving your place in line and at other appropriate times during training.


CWK uniform:

  • Black trousers with two red stripes down both legs
  • Red t-shirt with the club symbol on the back
  • Belt according to grade
  • CWK club badge on the front left shoulder

Students must present themselves for training in the prescribed uniform, which must be clean, tidy, odour free and you with clean feet, finger and toe nails, which have been cut and smoothly finished with a file to avoid injury to you and others and maintain your hygiene while attending classes. Where shoes are worn if permitted depending on the training area, they should be dedicated training shoes or lightweight trainers, and clean.

For new students, uniform can be purchased at any point up before the first grading. Gradings must be undertaken in full uniform. Uniform order forms are available via the instructor. Before purchasing the uniform, you should wear comfortable sportswear such as joggers and a t-shirt (in any colour except for black which is worn by instructors, and with sleeves, no strappy tops).

All jewellery should be removed before class, or, where they physically cannot be removed, they should be taped over. Rings and other jewellery located in places with reasonable expectation for contact during training are not permitted.


Students must pay all enrolment, training and subscription fees punctually within the allotted time to the appropriate person and via the appropriate fee payment option. Students may attend a trial session for free, after which they must complete a CWK enrolment form and comply with local requirement for payment of fees before participating in their second training session. This form is available from the instructor and should be returned with the fee payment option completed before the next training session. 


Make every effort to train regularly. Have your attendance recorded in the class register and check with the instructor for any relevant information before training. At the end of the class assist the instructor in returning the training environment back to its former state and leave the area clean, tidy and punctually.

Each training venue may have specific rules related to the location. For example, if no mats then shoes can be worn, or if mats exist shoes cannot be worn. Please speak with your local instructor before training so you are aware of any such requirements.



As with taking any class it is important to arrive on time. It is best to arrive at least 5 minutes early so you are ready to start when class begins. The instructor has committed to teaching during the time allotted and the student should likewise be ready for instruction when class begins. Students have paid for instruction and the instructor has given up their time; please don’t waste it.

Late arrival

Get ready quickly and quietly if arriving after the class has begun. You may not join the session until the bowing tradition has been observed and the instructor beckons you to join in.

Drinks & Before class

Students can bring a bottle of plain water to class. No other food or beverages are allowed in the training areas. We recommend drinking water during practice as and when required. It is best if you drink room temperature water, not iced or cold, and take small sips.

Please make sure to finish eating at least an hour before class so you don’t get sick, and to go to the toilet before class begins to minimise disrupting both the class and your own learning.


The instructor will pause the class for short breaks as appropriate, and students should salute before leaving their place and when leaving and re-entering the training area (see Salute). Should you require a break at other times for any reason, please let the instructor know.

Illness & Injury

Refrain from training if you are unwell or have any injury or medical condition which would be detrimental to yourselves or those training with you.

Before commencing training make the instructor aware of any minor injury or condition which in your opinion still permits you to train. The instructor at their discretion may refuse the opportunity to train. However if you do train the onus remains with the participant to train within the constrictions of the ailment.

Health & Safety

Comply with all health and safety protocols and public health measures for the training venue and local region. Inform the instructor of any hazards immediately.

And last but not least…

Enjoy your training.